Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Just a regular day

Not much to blog about yesterday or today. We had my mom and dad over for supper, which we haven't done in waay to long, so it was nice having them over, even if the meal was thrown together with two different meats, two different potatoes, and three different veggies! I don't think they minded. They bought a van and are having Jacob sell their previous vehicle. Jacob likes doing that type of thing, and does it often. We just sold his truck, so we're happy that will be out of the driveway! We are selling a taurus too, so that will be gone this weekend. Then we will be down to one vehicle- the fusion, which will be going in the fall. We hope to get a small SUV- something like an Escape. Who knows, we shall see! But in the meantime, Jacob needs something to drive! Right now Jacob is putting Xander to bed. Sometimes he doesn't get home until a bit later in the evening, so he enjoys putting his pj's on (changing his diaper too! That makes me happy!), giving him his medicine and vitamin, brushing his teeth and saying his prayers with him. Right now they are debating which pj's to put on, neither of them can decide. ; ) I was reading the Beacon Lights today and it made me really think. It was about how we should spend our time and in everything we do, we should do it with the attitude of praising God. When we have free time, do we plop down in front of the tv or open the Bible and read Scripture? When we talk with friends or family, do we talk about other people, or spiritual matters? When we have nights with nothing going on, do we try to find a meeting or church gathering to go to? How often do we try to talk with the elderly or go visit them? Or bring comfort to those who are grieving, or going through huge trials in their lives? I speak of myself- and see what a terrible sinner I am, and how selfish I am. I am on this earth for one main purpose, and that is to show forth God's name and live a life of true SIGNIFICANT thanks!! SO sad, really, when we examine ourselves in this light and see how miserably we fail! Our old man of sin seems to just beg us and lure us into sins! We HAVE to fight it off! It should be so easy- we should be SO thankful for what we have been given (when we deserve the absolute opposite!) that we WANT to spend ALL our time in praise and worship! But this is not always the case! We need to try to focus on Christ our precious Savior and confess, weap to Him over our sins and pray that he opens our eyes, helps us to see how dreadful we really are and in doing so realize how desperately we need our Savior!
Well, that is all for now, Xander is asleep (hopefully : ) ) so I might just try to convince Jacob to play a game with me! Yay! Cassie

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