Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Just a regular day

Not much to blog about yesterday or today. We had my mom and dad over for supper, which we haven't done in waay to long, so it was nice having them over, even if the meal was thrown together with two different meats, two different potatoes, and three different veggies! I don't think they minded. They bought a van and are having Jacob sell their previous vehicle. Jacob likes doing that type of thing, and does it often. We just sold his truck, so we're happy that will be out of the driveway! We are selling a taurus too, so that will be gone this weekend. Then we will be down to one vehicle- the fusion, which will be going in the fall. We hope to get a small SUV- something like an Escape. Who knows, we shall see! But in the meantime, Jacob needs something to drive! Right now Jacob is putting Xander to bed. Sometimes he doesn't get home until a bit later in the evening, so he enjoys putting his pj's on (changing his diaper too! That makes me happy!), giving him his medicine and vitamin, brushing his teeth and saying his prayers with him. Right now they are debating which pj's to put on, neither of them can decide. ; ) I was reading the Beacon Lights today and it made me really think. It was about how we should spend our time and in everything we do, we should do it with the attitude of praising God. When we have free time, do we plop down in front of the tv or open the Bible and read Scripture? When we talk with friends or family, do we talk about other people, or spiritual matters? When we have nights with nothing going on, do we try to find a meeting or church gathering to go to? How often do we try to talk with the elderly or go visit them? Or bring comfort to those who are grieving, or going through huge trials in their lives? I speak of myself- and see what a terrible sinner I am, and how selfish I am. I am on this earth for one main purpose, and that is to show forth God's name and live a life of true SIGNIFICANT thanks!! SO sad, really, when we examine ourselves in this light and see how miserably we fail! Our old man of sin seems to just beg us and lure us into sins! We HAVE to fight it off! It should be so easy- we should be SO thankful for what we have been given (when we deserve the absolute opposite!) that we WANT to spend ALL our time in praise and worship! But this is not always the case! We need to try to focus on Christ our precious Savior and confess, weap to Him over our sins and pray that he opens our eyes, helps us to see how dreadful we really are and in doing so realize how desperately we need our Savior!
Well, that is all for now, Xander is asleep (hopefully : ) ) so I might just try to convince Jacob to play a game with me! Yay! Cassie

Monday, May 3, 2010

Busy day for a mom of one!

Today was a busy day for this mom of only one! My "busy" day pales in comparison to some busy moms with more children than myself. For now, I will be thankful for the time I can spend with my little guy and my husband. I know it won't always be this easy!
My sister-in-law Tricia was able to give me a free pedicure this morning, and it felt so nice! It was nice to soak my feet in the little whirlpool tub. My feet were in need of some TLC (isn't everyone's though?). My heels are nice and soft and so are my lower legs. Aah. It's crazy that some people can totally afford to do it whenever they want! It's not cheap! So I made sure to enjoy it because I'm sure it won't happen again for a VERY long time, if ever! It was nice to be able to chat with my sister-in-law. : )
After that, I went to see my sister Katy. She had a dear friend in town who I got to meet for the first time. She is a very nice lady who is very dear to my sister and I am thankful for her friendship with Katy! My sister Katy is a great swimmer and she enjoys doing the sport very much. She will be swimming the straits of Mackinaw this summer, I give her credit! The thought alone makes me tired! I'm glad she has found a "hobby" (? is that the right word?) that makes her happy. I think it would be good for everyone to have an "out" like swimming, running.... it's probably a great stress-reliever.
I ran to the mall to get my wedding ring and bands soddered, re-sized and rhodium plated. My husband treats me far better than I deserve and got me a second wedding band for my birthday/Mother's Day/4th wedding anniversary. Man, I didn't think it was going to be as expensive as it was. She gave me a deal though because I've learned to "barter(?)" with people thanks to Jacob. He can get anyone to cut a deal with him! : D So I'm ring-less for a while. : (
Jacob's mom watched Xander today. She also watched a few of her other grandkids, so she had a busy day. My in-laws have sheep which are starting to have their lambs. One sheep had twins- and she rejected one of them and it died hours later, despite being bottle fed and being injected with penicillin. The other is doing well. Another had triplets and they all are doing well, but we're just hoping mamma sheep has enough milk for the three of them. Two more sheep are due soon so hopefully those go well. Xander likes watching them, and managed to touch a lamb, with the approval of its momma. It's crazy just how tiny they are when they are born, but I guess it's the same with humans. : D
Right now I am on the phone with my mom and dad. My dad and I are big weather freaks- I recently came across some phenomenal footage of the Xmas day Tsunami. It's a 8 part documentary on Youtube listed under "Tsunmai: Caught on camera Part 1" It's incredible- shows the terrible destruction- something we never really saw when it happened. AWFUL to watch- scary, really. We live in an area where we don't really have to worry about natural disasters- the worst we have to worry about is Tornado's... and even with them, we (most of the time) have warnings broadcast over the TV or radio so we can take cover. In poor countries like those effected by the Tsunami, they don't have type of warning systems that we do. We are very blessed to live where we do! We know how powerful God is, but I don't think we always SEE it with our eyes! I deffinately saw it, and it honestly scared me. It's POWERFUL stuff.
Well, that is all for now... I will continue to sit and the phone while my dad/mom and I watch these videos. Cassie

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Awesome God - Michael W. Smith

Sunday Afternoon Blog

Well, we officially started BLOGGING!! Who comes up with these crazy technological names? BLOG? GOOGLE? YAHOO!? I could go on with the crazy names... Well it's a beautiful Sunday afternoon, not much happening. Xander is playing in the livingroom and Jacob is fast asleep in bed. Sunday's are such lazy sleepy days. We often get headaches on Sundays- I think its because the routine gets thrown off. Xander did not come in church with us this morning, he woke up grumpy so we thought it best to just put him in nursery. They said he did well. He had his cute hat on and everyone thought he was so cute in it, even a few older male members of Grace. : D I think he looks like a little golfer's caddy. Jacob would like that, I am sure. He always says he can't wait until he can take Xander golfing. That's fine by me, as long as I have a girl that can stay home with me by then! We are excited to go on vacation this fall- in October we are going to Ludington again, so that should be fun. We still have a week of vacation before June! What to do, where to go! Maybe we will just end up staying home and doing some house repairs. Those are never-ending. We had an excellent sermon this morning by Martin McGeown. (sp?) He reminided me how easy it can be to become like a Pharisee- always acting like we are so much better than our other family memebers/friends/neighbors/strangers. A terrible sin, really. Martin said God views it as an abominable sin- and has no use for those people in His presense. How often do we weep over our sins like the Publican? How often do we pleade with God for forgiveness? How often do we confess our sins to HIM and to eachother? Not NEAR often enough!! It makes you really realize how much we NEED Christ!! We are SOO lost, so completely miserable without HIM! We have Sem. Mahtani tonight, and it looks like it will be another great sermon. Looking forward to it! : ) Until next time, Cassie